ACGM is composed of bingo halls from around the state of Missouri working together......
to help make your bingo more profitable. This requires that we be able to communicate together to solve our problems and to make Missouri a more favorable environment to run a successful bingo.
If I or any member of the Board can be of assistance please let us know how we can help.
Everything from land based bingo hall openings to online gaming trends, ACGM is dedicated to keeping our Missouri bingo enthusiasts on top of all that’s going on in the bingo world.
Bingo News
Everything from land based bingo hall openings to online gaming trends, ACGM is dedicated to keeping our Missouri bingo enthusiasts on top of all that’s going on in the bingo world.
Mission Statement
"The Association of Charitable Games of Missouri (ACGM) is on a single-minded, focused mission to build membership so that the regulators and the politicians will hear OUR collective voice.
We must improve our membership numbers if we want the regulators and politicians to hear our voice.
We ask that you help promote the ACGM association to each Bingo Hall in your area.
Changes ACGM instrumental in getting changed
Contact Information
Please contact us at your convenience with any questions or comments you might have. We look forward to hearing from you soon.Association of Charitable Games of Missouri
100 Breezeview Drive. Ballwin, MO 63021
Telephone: (314) 393-3312